
Deepcover is a National Science Foundation(NSF) funded mobile game that aims to help educate users on how scams work by providing a fun spy themed environment to learn. The game includes remakes of popular mobile game formats to draw players in and sprinkles some educative dialogue on top.

What I worked on:




Wiretap is a version of the classic “Flow” style game. I was responsible for making it playable in Deepcover. As it was one of our mainline minigames it needed to have the ability to work in endless mode, so I also created a system that could reliably generate new boards to prevent the need of creating hundreds of boards by hand.


Decoding is a version of the well known NYT “Wordle”. For the most part, I made this as standard as it gets, but there was one change we wanted to make (outside of powerups/hints). Since we were going to be allowing players to come back and play a single level multiple times, we made each level randomly pick from a small set of words that were defined by the seed of the level.


Crypto-Grams is a simple fill-in-the-blank type minigame. Crypto-Grams does not show up in the normal level lists, instead, it acts as a daily challenge. Providing an extra reason to come back to the game more consistently.

Internal systems:

  • Optimized internal framework systems for some older devices.

  • Created the base minigame class structure for quick minigame integration.

  • Created tools for faster configuration/generation of certain internal assets.

  • Created the saving system, and collaborated on integrating cloud sync.

  • Designed the initial version of our adaptive difficulty system, a system that dynamically changed the difficulty of a level based off the apparent skill of the player on that game type.

And even more yet-to-be-released content…


Static Tools for Unity


The Ordering Trail